Created by Noby Nobriga
and Rusty Spell, 1999
- Multiple packs of poker playing
cards. Number depends on the number of participants to
play (2 – 5 players = 3 Packs. 6 – 9 players =
4 Packs).
- Remove all card ranks from 2
through 8, and shuffle all of the remaining cards (9
through Ace) into a Deck.
- Deal 5 cards to each player from
the Deck.
- Deal 5 cards face-up in front of
each player (the Stacks) from the Deck.
- All remaining cards in the Deck are
set aside in a face-down pile known as the Stock.
- An empty space refered to as the
Discard is reserved for cards that may be removed from
the game during the course of play.
- First player to reach 1,000 points
- Player with highest ranked card in
the left-most stack begins play.
- Play continues clockwise.
Rules on
- Stacks can be expanded on either
end of the stack, not just on the top of the stack. For
example: If a stack currently has 9, 10, J, the
legal plays on this stack are only an Ace (on the
9) or a Queen (on the Jack).
- There can be no more than one copy
of a card in a stack. For example: If a stack currently
has 9, 10, J, Q, playing a 10 (on the 9) or
playing a Jack (on the Queen) is illegal, because
that would break the natural sequence of the cards.
- The card sequence loops. That is to
say, 9 plays on 10, 10 plays on Jack,
Jack plays on Queen, Queen plays on King,
King plays on Ace, Ace plays on 9,
9 plays on 10, 10 plays on Jack,
- No stack can contain more than five
cards at any time. If performing an action would violate
this rule, then that action is illegal, is not an option
to the player, and must be ignored.
of Play
- The current player scores points
for each stack containing more than one card. (0 cards =
no points scored. 1 card = no points scored. 2 cards = 20
points. 3 cards = 40 points. 4 cards = 80 points. 5 cards
= 250 points.)
- If any stack contains five cards,
remove that stack to the Discard.
- If player chooses to, he may
discard any number of cards from his hand to the Discard
and skip to step Draw.
- Else, if player has an empty stack,
player must skip to step Play.
- If a player does not wish to Spank,
proceed to step Move.
- If player, in his hand,
holds a card that will play legally on one of his
opponent's stacks (i.e. follows the stack's sequence), he
may choose to Spank! his opponent. To do this, the
player plays a card from his hand, turned perpendicular,
onto the opponent's stack. This is usually performed with
a slapping down of the card and the
exclamation "Spank!"
- Remove the opponent’s stack,
along with the player’s card, to the Discard.
- If able to move, player may move
any one of his stacks onto any other one of his own
stacks as long as the destination stack’s sequence
is maintained if one has already been established and the
resulting stack contains no more than five cards total.
- Only if unable to move, player may
remove any one stack to Discard.
- If at least one empty stack exists,
player must place one card from his hand into any one of
his empty stacks.
- Only one empty stack may be filled
per turn.
- Player draws as many cards from the
Stock as needed until he has five cards in his hand.
- Player to the left becomes the
current player and begins with step Score.
Variation/Base Variation
This variation of Spank! is the base
version. When playing cards in order of rank, the suit of the
cards are ignored. See Sequence Variation for the
variation that takes suits into account.
The regular Non-Sequence Variation
of Spank! is not concerned with the suit of the cards. This
version requires that a Sequence of suit or color order
must be maintained when moving or playing cards as described
- A stack gains one of the following
established patterns once it contains at least two cards.
All cards played on this stack must match this
established pattern.
- Two cards of the same suit/color =
same suit/color sequence. (Ex: The Sequence is Kind-Ordered
if a stack contains Q
, K
. The next card must be one of the
following: J
or A
. So, all of the cards in the stack must
- Two cards of different suits or
colors = two suit/color alternating sequence. The next
card played will determine whether the order is color or
suit ordered. (Ex: A stack contains 9
, 10
. The next card must be one of the
following: A
or A
, or J
or J
- The Sequence is Suit-Ordered
if the new stack is A
, 9
, 10
. So, the pattern of alternating between
the two established suits (here,
’s and
- The Sequence is Color-Ordered
if the new stack is A
, 9
, 10
. So, only a pattern or alternating
colors need be maintained. The suit type itself is
- When a card(s) is played in the
Spank, Move, or Play step on a stack that has an
established sequence, that card(s) must be a card whose
rank and suit or rank and color must fit the established
sequence, else the play is invalid.
Two-Set Deck
Variation (Full and Half)
This variation provides players with two
Sets of cards to play on Stacks. This variation can be played
with most other variations (e.g. Sequence Variation)
as it basicly only changes the number of cards in the deck.
- Unlike the Basic game
which contains only cards consisting of 9’s
through Ace’s, the Deck is composed of all
cards (2’s through A’s) except
for the 8’s. Remove all 8’s from
the game.
- There are two sets that cards can
be played in. (Set 1: 2, 3, 4,
5, 6, 7. Set 2: 9, 10,
J, Q, K, A. Cards from Set 1
cannot be played with cards from Set 2, and vice-versa,
as this would be playing cards out of their natural
numbering sequence.)
- There are two sub-variations:
- Full Two-Set Deck Variation:
Use the same number of decks as you would in a usual game
of Spank! (2 – 5 players = 3 Packs. 6+ players = 4
- Half Two-Set Deck Variation:
Use the following number of packs of cards to compose
your Deck. (2 – 4 players = 1 Deck. 5 – 7
players = 2 Decks. 8+ players = 3 Decks.)
Other card games you might want to play.
There are many different card games to play online. One of the more popular
online games right now is poker.
If you want to find out more info about poker games online, check out
Copyright (c) Apr 2003 - Jun 2011 by Noby and Rusty's