Screaming vocals and guitars for people who
hate screaming vocals and guitars. Welsh superstars. Rock!
Suggested First Purchase: McLusky Do Dallas
Suggested best of: McLuskyism
My Pain and Sadness Is More Sad and Painful Than Yours
McLusky Do Dallas (2002) -- The album starts
off kickass with "Lightsabre Cocksucking Blues." It
doesn't keep that frantic pace up, but it pretty much does.
"Collagen Rock" could have been a radio hit if it would
have been released in the year 2015 or so. "Alan Is a Cowboy
Killer" shows that McLusky is a pretty funny band too,
though in a subtle way. Loud rock music for people who don't like loud
rock music.
The Difference Between Me and You Is That I'm Not On
Fire (2004) -- Songs that will rock your balls. The
famous Steve Albini production works perfectly with a band that
might get too loud and screamy and carried away if someone
weren't there to rein them in. The opening track, "Without
MSG I'm Nothing," is the best--an infectious "whoo whoo
whoo" verse followed by the even more infectious chant of
"Everywhere I look is a darkness!" Andy Falkous has one
of the best voices I've heard in a while. The second song (not
actually produced by Albini), "That Man Will Not Hang,"
is less dependant on empty space and more grating, but in an
excellent way, and it has a great chant too--this time the title
of the song. The third song, "She Will Only Bring You
Happiness," is the most poppy and melodic of the record,
showing the range McLusky has. "Forget About Him I'm
Mint" and "1956 and All That" are the other
highlights of the album, which isn't to say that rest of the
songs aren't good, just a little more draggy or something. But
all the songs are very cool. Too bad this was their last album.
Copyright (c) Nov 2004 - Mar 2008 by Rusty Likes Music