Merritt, Morrissey, Stuart Murdoch, and Calvin Johnson had a baby
and sent him to Sweden, home of perfect pop songs.
Information: Jens
Suggested First Purchase: Oh You're So Silent Jens
Maple Leaves EP (2004) -- Even more than the
full-length, this release shows Lekman's complete range. "Maple
Leaves" has all the sweep and scope of his epic songs.
"Sky Phenomenon" is a good example of his piano ballads
(of which there might be too many on the LP), with one of my
favorite lyrics which states that he wouldn't be accepted by a
flock of birds because "he can't dance the funky
chicken" (something about the juxtaposition of words and
notes). "Black Cab" is a song that could have fit on
The Magnetic Fields' The Charm of the Highway Strip (in
sound, if not completely in content), even though it's basically
a sampling (or rendering) of a Left Banke song for the
background; at any rate, it might be the most all-out enjoyable
song he's written. Finally, "Sometime To Share My Life
With" is a nice cover, again showing off his baladeering tendencies. A
great EP. (There are usually at least two versions of each of Lekman's CD,
since he's an overseas guy; the one from Service also features "Pocketful of
Money," featuring a Beat Happening sample. The Secretly Canadian version
does not.)
Rocky Dennis EP (2004) -- For some reason,
Jens used to have this nickname: the name of the guy from Mask. Things
are a little too soft here for their own good, and the second song is just a
short instrumental, so there's not a lot here. "If You Ever Need a Stranger,"
however (the song not about Rocky Dennis) is a definite standout and one
of his better songs. A slighter but nice EP. (This was released by Service
as Rocky Dennis In Heaven, minus "If You Ever Need a Stranger.")
You Are the Light EP (2004) -- Jens Lekman
pulls out all the stops for the title track (complete with a
reprise at the end of the EP) which is all happy and explosive
and addictive. "I Saw Her at the Anti-War
Demonstration" takes a Beatlesy riff and plays with it,
while "A Sweet Summer Night on Hammer Hill" is
downright goofy (in a good way) with the live audience backing
him up, singing, "Bomp a bomp a bomp a bomp a bomp a bomp a bomp..." a zillion times. "A Man
Walks Into a Bar" isn't the greatest, but it works well
enough here. This is the joyous opposite of Rocky Dennis, and I like it
better for that reason. (This was released by Service as Julie,
opening with the song "Julie" and having every other song on You Are the
Light except the final reprise.)
When I Said I Wanted To Be Your Dog (2004) --
Just look at the album cover, and you can kind of tell what to
expect here: It's got a Belle & Sebastian and Morrissey feel
to it, he's wearing a Beck shirt (and expression), he looks a
little like Calvin Johnson, and there's something Stephin Merritt
about it too. All those people are combined here, along with the
"who is this guy?" first reaction you might have. The
inside of the CD declares that this is "a collection of
songs," and it is. People don't just collect songs and put
them out much anymore; they're more concerned with making albums.
He brings over the unashamed jubilation of "You Are the
Light" and the beautiful "If You Ever Need a
Stranger" from his previous EPs. Unfortunately, the only
other "non-soft" song he collects is "Happy
Birthday, Dear Friend Lisa" (unless you count "A Higher
Power," which is somewhat upbeat), the rest of them being
very ballady. All of the songs are good, but since we know he can do
happy numbers, we sort of want more of them, and it gets a little heavy with all
the softness going around. If things were spread out a bit (or if he'd brought
over some of the other songs from the EPs: "Black Cab" comes to mind), this
would be a much better album. It's still an excellent album, but it seems a bit
uneven to be as perfect as it could be.
Oh You're So Silent Jens (2005) -- Jens Lekman releases his
Scandinavian records on the Service label and the rest of the world gets stuff
from the Secretly Canadian label. This handy collection puts all of the
Service EPs and some other rare tracks on one disc. Looking at the track
list, you might think that you don't want this anyway if you have all the
Secretly Canadian EPs because of all the track overlap. However, many of
the songs put out on Service are considerably different mixes from those put out
on SC. Also, there are five songs that don't appear on any SC albums in
any form. So you still need your Secretly Canadian EPs (this collection
doesn't render them useless by any means--maybe one day there will be a SC
release that does that, however), and this takes care of the rest.
Specifically, the tracks come from the "Maple Leaves" 7", the Maple Leaves EP,
Rocky Dennis In Heaven EP, Julie EP, and tracks from a fanzine and
a compilation. So what about the collection itself, aside from these
details? I think it's the best representation of Jens Lekman stuff yet.
The LP When I Said I Wanted To Be Your Dog was great, but it didn't show
his range as much as the EPs did. So this collection of EPs is the perfect
way to start, and it's a more enjoyable collection. And since both this
and the full-length album work as collections of songs anyway (instead of some
sort of "concept" album or whatever), one is just as cohesive as the other.
This has some of Jens' greatest songs, including "Maple Leaves," "Black Cab"
(still his best song), and "Julie." (This collection is released both on
Service and Secretly Canadian. SC is the way to go if you want both
versions of "Maple Leaves." Service is fine if you can live with one of
Night Falls Over Kortedala (2007)
Kalendervägen 113.D (2007) -- A bonus disc that came with pre-ordered copies
of Night Falls Over Kortedala featuring a live performance in his
apartment right before he moved out. Mostly stuff from the albums, but new
things too, including the Paul Simon song "Homeless."
Copyright (c) Sep 2004 - Jan 2008 by Rusty Likes Music