The leader of Beat
Happening, The Halo Benders, Dub Narcotic Sound System, and K
Records also makes solo records, sometimes under Calvin Johnson and the Sons of
the Soil.
see Beat Happening, Nub Narcotic Sound System, The Halo Benders
Information: K Records
Suggested First Purchase: What Was Me
Calvin Johnson: What Was Me (2002) -- Calvin, in his first true solo record, seems to be trying to get at the heart of simple early recordings. It's something he's done all along, of course, but here he does it more outright with either simple acoustic guitar or no instruments at all. See "Lightnin' Rod for Jesus" for a true example of what I mean. It's good listening, though not always something I'm in the mood for. B
Calvin Johnson: Before the Dream Faded (2005) -- Calvin retains some of his "black roots" here with songs like "Red Wing Black," a chain gang song, but most of the album is filled out (comparatively, since the first one was largely a capella) with little keyboard doodles and horns. It's a lovely little blue album. B
Copyright (c) Dec 2002 - Aug 2007 by Rusty Likes Music