Haven't seen that many yet for some reason, so I'll get back to ya.
Summer of Sam
(1999) -- I really liked this movie when I first saw it, but it has since faded
in my mind to be not as great as I once thought it was. Maybe I should see it
again to make sure, but thinking about it makes me tired. As it is, I still
remember it as a worth-watching movie about people in a pressured situation.
When the Levees Broke: A Requiem in Four Acts (2006) -- The best thing
about this documentary on Hurricane Katrina is that it pretty much covers
everything: how our failure to stop global warming created lots of the weather
trouble to begin with, how the shoddy engineering and procrastination of the
levees flooded New Orleans, how the government was slow to respond, how they
were incompetent and sucky when they eventually did, and much more, told
primarily from the point of view of the people it affected. The movie also
demonstrates why New Orleans was a great place to begin with, beyond Bourbon
Street and into a culture that survived hundreds of years and had a positive
impact on the rest of America. Only occasional touches of empty
sentimentality and unneeded artiness that usually surrounds Katrina coverage.
Hurricane Katrina exposed many of the worst elements of the United States and
one hopes a movie like this could stir up some change, but if things go the way
they usually do, it will only make people feel more angry and hopeless.
Copyright (c) Nov 2001 - Jan 2007 by Rusty Likes Movies