Director of Kramer vs. Kramer and Places in the Heart.
The Human Stain (2003) -- I didn't make it past 30 minutes or so of this
movie; if I would have, I would have probably hated it rather than severely
disliked it. The first bit was average enough, but when Nicole Kidman
(usually one of my favorite actors) arrives in the film, it gets ridiculously
bad. When Anthony Hopkins says "making love," she quickly corrects him
with "fucking." She says (proudly?) that her stepfather couldn't keep his
hands off her. She lets her sweater dangle around her
purposefully/nonchalantly while she smokes cigarettes. That kind of crap
that only a horrible male writer could make someone say and do.
Apparently, we eventually find out that Anthony Hopkins's character is a black
man. Whatever.
Copyright (c) Oct 2007 by Rusty Likes Movies