The funky singer is a movie guy too, you know.
Under the Cherry Moon (1986) --
Prince made an interesting move when he followed up his good but somewhat
what-you'd-expect music movie Purple Rain with this black and white
parody of French movies. It's funny and good, Prince proves to be a good
director, and the megalomania Prince's critics hate in is one of the things I
like. The music is great, from one of his best albums, Parade.
Graffiti Bridge (1990) -- If Purple Rain was the Saturday Night
Fever of the 80s, then this sequel is its Staying Alive: more or less
a pointless piece of crap that doesn't leave well-enough alone. Even the
music isn't that great. The soundtrack only has two good songs -- "Thieves
in the Temple" and "Round and Round" -- and those are only really good by
comparison. Prince's character The Kid certainly had his problems in the
first movie, but in this one he's just dull (and so is Prince's direction).
The only thing saving the movie at all are "bad guys" Morris Day and Jerome
Benton. (See Albert Magnoli for the
predecessor, Purple Rain.)
Copyright (c) Jan 2002 - Feb 2007 by Rusty Likes Movies