The comic book guy.
Sin City (2005) -- Directed with Robert Rodriguez and guest
director Quentin Tarantino. This movie is
ballsy. Of course, there are the literal balls in the
movie: every guy's nuts being blown off or ripped out. Then
there's the testosteroniness of the movie, with every guy
narrating his macho philosophy and every woman being a hooker or
stripper. But then there's the ballsiness of Rodriguez for putting this thing
out the way he did: as a purposefully-offensive movie, where the offensiveness
eventually becomes the magic and fun. It worked for me. Also, even as a guy who
doesn't much like comic books, it was great to finally see a comic book being
presented the way everyone always wanted them to look on the screen. I wasn't
sure why or how Frank Miller was given co-directing credit for this one, but
then I realized it was because his comics were pretty much used for storyboards,
meaning that Miller was making the movie for this way back when he first did the
graphic novels. There wasn't even an adapted script, making this more of a
Miller project than a Rodriguez project in the end. The collaboration on the
movie was very cool (including the cameo direction by Tarantino), the black and
white mixed with touches of color was beautiful, and in the end I was totally
sucked in. This movie is pretty much a masterpiece.
Copyright (c) Apr 2005 - Apr 2007 by Rusty Likes Movies