Spaghetti western.
Amityville II: The Possession (1982) -- I'm not sure if it's a better
movie than the first (which was only barely okay to begin with), but it's
certainly weirder. The most memorable element of the movie is the incest.
The brother (whose excuse is that he's possessed) asks his sister to pretend
she's modeling for him. She agrees. He then asks her to take off her
shirt (with no bra underneath). "Okay, but just for a second," she says.
Now we have brother looking at sister boobs. (Remember, she's not
possessed or anything, just going along with it.) It's not until he shows
her that he's taken her panties from the laundry that she begins to get nervous.
Finally, he moves in for a kiss and the next thing you know, they're doing it.
(Also, before the brother became possessed, there was flirting going on.)
Further things showing that this family was screwed up even before any demons
entered the story is the father, who's hitting family members left and right for
no reason. At one point, the brother holds a gun to his dad's head, only
for it to be overlooked later in a warm birthday party. It's messy and
weird and -- once the brother kills the entire family -- it keeps going for
another half hour or more, devolving into a direct rip pf The Exorcist,
but it's worth watching once for its oddness. (Stuart
Rosenberg directs the predecessor, The Amityville Horror.
Richard Fleischer and William Wales direct
the sequel, Amityville 3-D.)
Copyright (c) Feb 2008 by Rusty Likes Movies