Goofy comedy guy trying to be taken seriously.
Rush Hour
(1998) -- A movie that's pretty funny and actiony in spite of itself. You're
either interested in the cool fighting, laughing, or both. The smaller players
work well too--like the little girl and the bomb-diffusing chick. (Brett
Ratner also directs the sequel, Rush Hour 2.)
Red Dragon (2002) -- One of the most
pointless movies ever made. Hannibal wasn't for all
tastes, but at least it was different. Red Dragon isn't
so much a prequel to The Silence of the Lambs as a lame
remake of it (not to mention being a lame remake of Manhunter). Just because some of the best
actors alive (Anthony Hopkins, Edward Norton, Ralph Feinnes,
Harvey Keitel, Emily Watson, and Philip Seymour Hoffman) do a
Hannibal Lector movie doesn't mean that it's going to be good.
(See Ridley Scott for the
predecessor, Hannibal.)
Copyright (c) Feb 2004 - Jan 2007 by Rusty Likes Movies