Has a skill for nature and beauty and covers a variety of subjects and genres in his movies. Whether I like his movies or not depends on what he's doing.
Sense and Sensibility
(1995) -- A solid adaptation of the Jane Austin novel. Instead of focusing
on language and costume, like in a lot of period pieces, Ang Lee's direction and
Emma Thompson's screenplay had the good sense to focus on the very good story
and characters, all of them well-acted.
The Ice Storm
(1997) -- Although it sounds like the usual "suburbia isn't as perfect as it
seems" stuff, this movie is still a standout in that genre. The most memorable
part of the movie to me is the attention Ang Lee pays to the ice itself, both in
terms of photography and sound.
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
(2000) -- Although the story itself is a little lacking in my opinion, this
movie so worth watching for the fight scenes alone--and I'm not a person who's
particularly fond of fight scenes. The movie makes you realize that movies are
movies and don't have to be real life, yet the fantastic elements get the most
realistic treatment which makes it even better.
The Hulk (2003) -- Better than Spiderman?
In many ways. The webslinger movie was fun and charming and all, but this one was
pretty captivating to me throughout emotionally. One of the things I like about
this one is the
fact that the Hulk isn't a superhero per se, just a guy grappling with stuff and
running from people who are neither bad nor good (except that one really bad
guy). A quiet, inner picture.
Brokeback Mountain (2005) -- This movie might have been good if it had
just focused on a quiet, slow relationship between two (single) cowboys on a
mountain: two men who fall in love in spite of their previous beliefs.
Instead, it's about two losers who marry as a smokescreen or to scam the wife,
cheat on their them, and waste our time for twenty years' worth of crap.
Jake Gyllenhaal is as annoying as ever. Heath Ledger does a pretty good
job, though, as the mumbling emotional clam.
Copyright (c) Aug 2003 - Sep 2007 by Rusty Likes Movies