Information: 3 Jan
1990. 1:32:45.
Major Characters Introduced: Salt Potato Man.
Show Background: This is the DUSKBUSTERS! first show in the 1990s. By this point, Roxanne had been long gone, they were back in their studio in the 94 Licks building, and Snott and Guil had settled down into their regular routines.
Show Summary: The show is introduced with a song sung by Snott and Guil which sampled Run-DMC, The Beastie Boys, and Young MC. They take callers to give away the DUSKBUSTERS! '89 tape which the producers had begun selling by this point. When Snott and Guil get in financial trouble with Bubba Williams-Simpson-Green again, Snott calls his Uncle Filmer -- who is in the copyright business -- to help them out. When they take callers again, their calls include a foreign person whose main word is "Whassaday?" Salt Potato Man makes his first appearance and tells his life story, followed by a studio B segment with Dr. Hooloovoo Duke on health. Snott and Guil decide to appease their music-hungry audience with four minutes' worth of clips from their favorite songs before being visited by The Scientist who is studying the effects of acid on human skin, using his son and himself as a subject. A new segment, Smash or Flush, is introduced in which two songs compete against each other: this time, "Me So Horny" vs. "There Was a Tall Oak Tree." The Manure Brothers hang out on the farm and talk. The new show Remix Hour is introduced, and the cliffhanger entitled "Mooch the Pooch" is aired. The show ends with the clock striking twelve and Snott and Guil riding away in a horse-drawn carriage before it turns into a pumpkin. The answering machine in the studio records a long message by the "Whassaday?" caller after the shift is over.
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Introduction [1:30] |
Copyright (c) Sep 2003 - Apr 2007 DUSKBUSTERS! Productions